Practice lesson assignments daily (including listening assignments and reviewing the lesson notes)
Attend lessons weekly
Participate in recital at least once a year
Show up to your lesson with all materials
Keep your fingernails trimmed - nails should not extend past the tip of the finger
Check email regularly
Assist with practicing when needed - this could mean reminding your child to practice, reviewing their practice assignment with them, making sure they remember to do listening assignments, listening to them play, or (for some younger students) physically assisting them.
Ensure that the student arrives at lessons/events on time and with all their materials.
Private Lesson policies
Payment: Billing emails are sent out monthly or by semester (Fall, Spring, Summer). I do not refund prepaid lessons.
Monthly accounts that have a balance from the previous bill and have a total due of over $240 will have their lessons suspended until the balance has been paid in full.
Semester accounts must be paid in full within 30 days of receiving their bill. If the bill is not paid within 30 days, the account will be converted to monthly for the rest of the semester.
Fall Semester is mid-August through December - 17 lessons. Any lessons over this amount will be added to the next billing cycle.
Spring Semester is January through May - 20 lessons. Any lessons over this amount will be added to the next billing cycle.
Summer Semester is June through mid-August - 10 lessons. Any lessons over this amount will be added to the next billing cycle.
Unused Lessons: Unused lessons are credited towards the next bill. If a student has unused lessons that they choose not to use when they discontinue, those will be converted to scholarship lessons for students experiencing financial hardship.
Illness: Do not send your sick child to their lesson. Sick people do not learn effectively, and my cancellation policy is extremely generous. There is no reason for sick students to come to their lesson. Students who come sick to their lesson will be sent home, and the lesson will not be credited.
Cancellation: In the event you need to cancel, please give as much notice as possible. This allows me to be flexible with scheduling when my students need me to be. Cancellations made over an hour before the lesson will receive a credit or a make-up lesson. Cancellations made less than one hour before the lesson will not be credited or made up.
ORLS/FLS parents: Please do not have the front office staff or your child’s teacher inform me of lesson cancellations. If your child is off campus during their regular scheduled lesson while school is in session, you must inform me yourself. This includes being off-campus due to illness, vacation, field trips, etc.
No Show: A no show is when the student does not show up to the lesson, and I have not been informed of their absence ahead of time. No shows will not be credited or made up.
ORLS/FLS parents: If your child is at school but forgot to bring their instrument, that lesson will be counted as a no-show unless you contact me ahead of time.
Late: If the student is going to be over 5 minutes late to the lesson, please let me know as soon as possible. I reserve the right to decide whether or not the missed time will be made up at the end of the lesson.
After School Orchestra Class policies
Payment: This class is billed by semester. Payment is due on the first day of class.
Illness: Do not send your sick child to their lesson. Sick people do not learn effectively. Students who to class ill will be sent home.
Absence: Please let me know if your child will be absent from class. As class meets directly after school, if your child does not show, I have to spend class time figuring out where they are, to make sure they are safe and accounted for. Knowing about their absence ahead of time allows me to spend class time teaching, and gives me a chance to make any necessary adjustments to the lesson plan.
Pick-up: After class ends, students will be escorted to the location you have specified for them. If you are picking your child up, you must get them by 4:40pm. Students who have not been picked up by 4:40pm will be dropped off in After Care.